This is a coined word borrowed from the character, Murasakinoue in The Tale of Genji. I chose this name because I want to create a series of stories which colors various developments with the lines created by the brush, just as Murasakishikibu told stories.

The "Name SHO", which is designed based on the origin of the characters in a name, was originally given to parents of a new born as a gift to friends to be used as a naming book that could be displayed forever. It later became available for order at department store events and remains a popular product as a naming book or celebratory gift.

Starting with "Name SHO" my desire to write calligraphy that is both fun to display and suitable for interior decor led me to add colors to my calligraphy works and paint characters in a pictorial style. I am currently exploring the exciting new world of calligraphy, including artistic expression using colored ink and unique brushes, also modern SHO which is compatible with western styles. Now I' m exploring this new SHO world by collaborating with other genres. I want to continue to learn, to be exposed to art, and to enhance my sensitivity to create even better art works.

Starting with "Name SHO" my desire to write calligraphy that is both fun to display and suitable for interior decor led me to add colors to my calligraphy works and paint characters in a pictorial style. I am currently exploring the exciting new world of calligraphy, including artistic expression using colored ink and unique brushes, also modern SHO which is compatible with western styles. Now I' m exploring this new SHO world by collaborating with other genres. I want to continue to learn, to be exposed to art, and to enhance my sensitivity to create even better art works.


京都|ギャラリー胡々湾 榮田清峰デザイン書道展

イオンモール名古屋茶屋 新春書道パフォーマンス&書初めワークショップ


あさけプラザ 1DAY年賀状講座のお知らせ


2024年11月 総合美術展

2024年6月 四日市アート展

2023年7月 デザイン書道とシェル&レザーのアクセサリー展

2024年1月~3月 あさけプラザ 郷土作家展

2023年9月 パラミタミュージアム 小ギャラリー個展

2023年3月 栄中日文化センター デザイン書道教室作品展

2023年6月 四日市アート展

2021年9月 パラミタミュージアム 小ギャラリー個展
Design Calligraphy Class
In the design calligraphy class, you take one subject each time, such as a seasonal word or a character suitable for
interior design, and write it in a variety of ways, taking advantage of the unique characteristics of the brush.